
How To Give Your Rooms A Rustic Touch

The rustic, cozy look is probably a fan favorite this home decor season, so much so that some items are even finding their place in the luxurious pages of the architectural digest.

So, what is so special about this look?

Is it the whole living in the cabin feel or the cottage delights that the decor brings sometimes. There could be so many definitions that can describe what rustic is, but in the end, it boils down to whatever will make your house a home.

According to experts in interior design, the term rustic is an umbrella word for something which is old, rugged, and casual. This means they are unique and don’t have a very symmetrical industrial look to them.

Aside from the high ceilings, chandeliers, and industrial white paint, which can make everyone’s kitchen look the same. That is why they are looking for something less uniform and with a human touch.

If you are dreading ruining the project, then do not worry. You can simply use software to 3D digitize your house and decorate it virtually. Yes, this software does not come cheap, but you can simply download it for free from The Pirate Bay

How To Give Your Room A Rustic Touch

Here are some of the common things which you can use to give your rooms that rustic look.

1. A Wooden Background

Wood is a common item when it comes to the whole theme of rustic. However, turning every piece of furniture into bohemian wood would be quite expensive, which is why you should stick to having a wooden backdrop.

If you are looking for a full renovation, then go all-in with a textured wall; however, if it is a rustic look within budget, then wallpapers will do. Do not go overboard, and just stick to one wall. There are other elements to ace the full rustic aesthetic, and we will be coming to that.

2. A Fireplace

Now, if you are someone who lives in the tropics and yet wants the rustic feel of a winter cottage, then you can buy one of those electric fireplaces. However, you can also take the plunge and build a wooden mantlepiece for your living room.

There are a few advantages to this.

– It is portable, and you can change the location anytime.

– You do not need actual fire, so no more crisping yourself in tropical weather.

– You can even set aromatic candles in the faux fireplace and get the warm hue of fire with the aroma around the room. 

3. Stone As A Decor

Other than wood, another common element of the rustic aesthetic is stone. So, if you can’t wait for your living room to look like a rustic winter gateway, then go for rustic stone tiles or even floors.

Try to keep the colors gray or dark shades of rust, as they will add more character to the room. 

4. Warm Tone Lamps

Warm tone lights can do wonders to any room when you are planning to give your room a rustic renovation. Another sub-part of this interior decoration aesthetic would be the whole ‘cozy vibe.’ It is not exactly the Pinterest Fall Cozy, but something that represents a more homely environment.

Therefore, warm-tone lights are an excellent choice to accentuate the rooms, especially if the room has wood in it. Wooden furniture sine more with warm yellow or orange lights. 

5. Long Candles

Vintage and antique are tags that we often use with rustic as well, and what could be more antique than long candles ornamented in beautiful candle holders. You don’t have to do much and drill a hole through your pocket in order to get the rustic feel.

A few white candles and golden candlesticks which you have drifted from a vintage store will do the job. 

6. Antique Elements

Speaking of antiques, there are other elements which you can decorate your rustic room with. Some of the common antique elements are-

– Rustic metal vase.

– Lantern.

– Wooden pole bed.

– Hanging Bed nets.

– Wooden framed photographs.

Get The Look!

These are some of the rustic ideas which will not take much effort for you to get that aesthetic for your rooms. If it is a new house, then you may go all-in with your rustic adventure in home decor.

However, if you are just looking for some simple changes, then simple nips and tucks here and there will do the job. Do share some of the photographs of the final room, and let us know what you think about the ideas.