Simon Mobile

The Simon Mobile Phone by IBM

Simon Mobile: When IBM introduced the Simon personal communicator, we were immediately drawn to its unique interface and Stylus pen function. It was also a useful file organizer, with features for creating a digital contact book and saving messages. The interface resembled a letter-ruler or folder organizer. As an added bonus, the device’s battery life was excellent. Despite its many shortcomings, the Simon remains one of the most popular cell phones to date.

IBM Simon Personal Communicator

The IBM Simon is one of the first smartphone devices and was released in 1993. It has the size and shape of a cellphone, a large sensitive screen, and complete PDA and internet communication functions. The IBM Simon was the first smartphone to hit the market, replacing the phone’s keyboard with a touch screen, and integrating PIM applications. The IBM Simon’s popularity was limited to a few years, however, because the company was having trouble making enough money to keep the device in production.

Initially, the Simon was marketed only in the US. It cost $899 but was delayed due to technical issues. It was sold across fifteen states on BellSouth’s AMPS network for $895, which would cost around $2000 today. BellSouth was the first to market the phone, selling about 50,000 units between 1994 and 1995. The Simon had an innovative interface, which was referred to as the Navigator. The primary screen resembled a conventional-looking virtual phone keypad.

The IBM Simon shipped with a charging base station, two nickel-cadmium batteries, and a protective leather cover. The device could also be used with an optional Motorola PCMCIA pager card. The IBM Simon had an RJ11 port, which meant users could make voice and data calls using POTS landlines. The software used a ROM-DOS file system and Stacker file compression. It had a touch-screen user interface, allowing users to enter messages and send files. Read More:

Stylus pen function

A stylus is a digital pen that is used on touchscreen devices. The pen has advanced from its humble beginnings to be more efficient and creative in its use. It first appeared on the mobile phone scene with the Simon Personal Communicator, a 1993 model that was one of the first phones to include email, text messaging, and calendar functions. It also came with a stylus and navigation tool and was monochrome in design.

The developers of the Simon decided to include a stylus pen function in the device because they found this useful on other mobile devices. In addition to its ability to write messages and send pictures, the Simon mobile phone also had the ability to receive calls. It was a great way to stay connected, as the pen could be used remotely after a full battery charge. The swipe-friendly interface was reminiscent of a letter-ruler or folder organizer.

Because styluses are made of conductive materials, they can function no matter how wet or dry our fingers are. A stylus is a more accurate way to write than a fingertip-based device, and it also provides better precision. Moreover, it’s small enough to fit into a pocket or parka. Its price is also competitive. You can save money and stay connected while using the Simon mobile.

Lack of web browser

The Simon mobile phone was launched in 1994. The handset had basic features that make it ideal for business people and people who like to keep track of important dates and appointments. The phone could send and receive emails, exchange faxes using a 9600-bps modem, and run third-party applications. Its monochrome screen measured 160 by 293 pixels and came with a stylus that allowed users to write notes and draw on the screen. Its software also included a web browser, calendar, and contacts. It also allowed users to input handwritten text.

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Poor battery life

The IBM Simon mobile phone is one of the earliest smartphones in history. Launched in 1999, the smartphone features a touchscreen, email capability, and a small set of built-in applications. However, the poor battery life caused Simon to be a failure, selling only 50,000 units in six months. It’s unclear what went wrong with Simon, but we can assume it was the battery life. If you’re a mobile phone user, you may feel this pain.

The Simon mobile phone’s battery life was terrible, and it was only sold in the US. The price was $899, but the phone’s short battery life put a damper on its sales. A mere 50,000 handsets were produced, mostly for business use. A phone with this limited lifespan is a rare and valuable item. As a result, many users prefer a feature phone. In fact, the phone was purchased on eBay for an undisclosed amount.


The price of Simon’s mobile varies. It is not a cheap phone, but it does come with some great features. For example, Simon is free to port over your phone number, and it offers three price levels. The website suggests two different price tiers, which all include 8 GB of data volume with up to 50 Mbps speeds. Simon offers monthly calculations and does not support 5G usage. However, users should keep in mind that Simon is aimed more at those who need more data than the typical smartphone user.

The first smartphone was the IBM Simon. Launched in 1992, it was developed by the International Business Machines Corporation and manufactured by Mitsubishi Electric. The device was first introduced at the 1992 Comdex Computer Industry Trade Show and was later refined. After a year, the device was released in the market and sold to consumers. The phone featured a monochrome LCD touchscreen measuring 4.5 inches by 1.4 inches. The company did not produce many versions of the device, so the price fluctuated with time.

IBM’s Simon mobile cost around $900 but was not considered cheap. The battery lasted about an hour for voice calls. No web browser was available, and the battery required fourteen to sixteen hours to recharge. The phone was heavy, and it required a charger to operate. It also had no camera. However, it did have a 2400 bps modem, and it could send and receive faxes. It had preloaded applications, including email and e-mails.


For parents who are not in their cars all the time, SIMON mobile apps will allow them to access the most relevant information on the go. The SIMON iPhone and Android apps were designed and developed by Simon School alumnus Sean Flaherty, ’03S of ITX Corporation. These apps are available for free in the Apple app store. The mobile apps will help parents communicate with teachers and make sure that their child is not missed due to an illness or other issue. Click here to read more latest articles.

The original Simon personal communicator, which was announced in late 1992, was big, expensive, and featured predictive typing. The device was sold in fifteen US states on BellSouth’s AMPS network for $895 with a two-year contract, or $1099 without a contract. That’s about $2000 in 2020, and BellSouth sold more than 50,000 units in the first few months of its availability. The original Simon device used a graphical user interface called Navigator, which was created by IBM. The primary screen was a traditional-looking virtual phone keypad.

The IBM Simon also featured a stylus that could be used to draw and write on the screen. The phone was also equipped with a fax function, which allowed users to send content via fax. It also included a qwerty keyboard and predictive keyboard. The predictive keyboard displayed part of the keyboard and displayed the next letter that was most likely to be typed. A paging card was also included for sending messages.